

Miroir Noir 13/18 & 9/14

Tableau Périodique Unique

Du Glacier du Rhône au Lac Léman

Mesmerizing Kite – Acrobat in Butterfly-Bat Grip

5M, 5N, 5B

Miroirs Noirs RVB CMJ NB

Tableau périodique

Los Angeles Standards (limited edition box) by Caroline & Cyril Desroche

Presentation box and booklet for Barbara Bénédicte Penn

Window box for Agnes Geoffray

Shackleton's Endurance

Collection Case

Conservation box for parchment documents

Conservation boxes for the Ecole des Beaux-Arts of Paris

Regarder les oiseaux

51, by Emmanuelle Fructus

Feldpost, by Thomas Dworzak

Conservation boxes for « coffrets à estampe » from the 15th century


24 Hours in the Life of an Ordinary Woman, by Michel Journiac

Portfolio book for Philippine Janssens

The Veil of Maya 1

Reliure en valise

Folded to fit by Yann Sérandour

Conservation boxes for the historical collection of the Maison Cartier

DéfleXions, 1992-2008, by Olivier Culmann

Hope, by Kourtney Roy

Presentation box for Clément Lemaire

Prototype, limited edition Jasper Johns catalogue raisonné

Borobudur Under the Full Moon, by Caroline & Hughes Dubois

Les Sommeils, by Robert Desnos

Portfolios for architect agency

Cœur, point et ligne sur plan (Heart, Point and Line to Plane), documentation céline duval

Baobab from Elaine Ling

Portfolio for Sara White Wilson

98 Thesis for Translation, by Marwa Arsanios

Book shoe

Presentation box Frédérique Fleurance

Boxes in the style of Rose Adler

Prototype for a box with shelves

In Memoriam...100 drawings, by François Mallon

Custom handmade box for Denis Felix

Deluxe presentation for an interior design project

Poems, by John Baldessari and William Carlos Williams

L'Anglais Récréatif by Stéphane Mallarmé

Ruche impériale by Guerlain

Removed landscapes, Three saftey lights, Crash...

Seydou Keïta, Photographs, Bamako, Mali 1949-1970

Archival quality box for Françoise Pétrovitch drawings

By and To Jockum, by Jockum Nordström

Portfolio Jean Larivière

Incomplete Open Cubes, by Yann Sérandour

St. Tropez